McNeel Rhinoceros 8.0
Rhino can create, edit, analyze, document, and even render, animate, and translate curves, surfaces, solids, point clouds, and NURBS* polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree or size, beyond those of your hardware.
Feature highlights:
Unlimited free-form 3D modeling tools that only much more expensive products can offer. With Rhino, you can shape every shape imaginable.
Accuracy required for the design, prototyping, engineering, analysis and manufacturing of anything from an airplane to a piece of jewelry.
Compatibility with all other design, technical drawing, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation and illustration programs.
Reading and repairing complicated meshes and IGES files.
Accessibility. Easy to learn and use: the user can focus on designing and visualizing without being distracted by the software.
Speed even on a regular laptop. It does not require any specific hardware.
Development platform for hundreds of specific 3D modeling products.
Within everyone's reach. Common hardware. Quick learning. Price within everyone's reach. No maintenance costs.
Rhino for Mac
The world's most versatile 3D modeler is now available for OS X. Read more…
Il processo di sviluppo di Rhino è nato ponendosi come scopo principale l’eliminazione di tutti gli ostacoli possibili dal flusso di lavoro con Rhino, oltre ad includere migliaia di miglioramenti più o meno importanti. Il risultato è un software più veloce, capace di gestire progetti di gruppo e modelli molto più grandi.
Grazie a migliaia di utenti delle versioni preliminari, abbiamo potuto testare e perfezionare Rhino per convertirlo nella versione più stabile della storia.
Template creation tools
Points: points, point clouds, point grid, extract from objects, mark (intersection, divide, endpoints, closest, foci).
Curves: line, polyline, polyline on mesh, freeform curve, circle, arc, ellipse, rectangle, polygon, helix, spiral, conic, TrueType text, point interpolation, control points (vertices), freehand drawing.
Curves from other objects: through points, through a polyline, extension, continuous curve, fillets, chamfers, offset, blend, arc blend, curves from two views, intermediate curve, sections from profiles, intersection, contour on a NURBS surface or mesh, section on a NURBS or mesh surface, edges, silhouette, isoparametric curve extraction, curvature graph extraction, projection, fill, freehand drawing, wireframe, trim curve extraction, 2D drafting with dimensions and texts, flattening of developable surfaces.
Surfaces: from 3 or 4 points, from 3 or 4 curves, from planar curves, from a network of curves, rectangle, deformable plane, extrude, ribbon, ruled surface, loft with tangent match, developable, sweep along a path with match edges, sweep along two rail curves with edge continuity, revolve, revolve on a rail, midsurfaces, blend fillets, patch, drape, dot grid, grayscale, fillet fillets, bevels, offset, dot plane, texts TrueType and Unicode (double-byte).
Solids: box, sphere, cylinder, tube, tube shape, cone, truncated cone, pyramid, truncated pyramid, ellipsoid, torus, extrude planar curve, extrude surface, cap plane holes, stitch surfaces, regions, non-manifold blends, truetype text.
Mesh: from NURBS surfaces, from closed polylines, mesh faces, plane, box, cylinder, cone and sphere.
Rhino aggiunge decine di miglioramenti agli strumenti già esistenti e ad alcuni nuovi comandi.
General tools: delete, delete duplicates, join, merge, trim, untrim, split, explode, extend, fillet, chamfer, object properties, history.
Transform tools: cut, copy, paste, move, rotate, mirror, scale, stretch, align, array, twist, fold, taper, offset, orient, flow along curve, wrap, project, box edit, smash, flatten.
Points and Curves: Control Points, Edit Points, Handles, Bevels, Normalize, Degree Edit, Add/Remove Nodes, Add Breakpoints, Rebuild, Regenerate, Combine, Simplify, Weight Edit, Periodic Curves, Modify curvature at the end, adjustment of junction points, orientation with respect to an edge, conversion to arcs, polylines or line segments.
Surfaces: control points, handles, change degree, add/remove nodes, combine, extend, merge, join, untrim, split using isoparametric curves, rebuild, contract, periodic surfaces, Boolean operations (union, difference, and intersection ), flattening developable surfaces, series along a curve on a surface.
Solids: fillet, surface extraction, pocket, boolean operations (union, difference and intersection).
Mesh: explode, join, weld, unify normals, apply to a surface, reduce polygons.
L’editing di modelli complessi in Rhino è facile e veloce.
User interface: reading coordinates, free or dockable command area, pop-up menu with recently used commands, selectable command options, command line autocomplete, customizable pop-up menus, pop-up layer manager, synchronized views, camera-based view manipulation, adaptation to a perspective image (photo insertion), configuration of the middle mouse button and customization of icons, workspace and toolbars, transparent toolbars, context sensitive menus that can be activated mouse right-click, multi-monitor support, Alt-key copying of objects, and OpenGL hardware support with anti-aliasing.
Construction aids: Unlimited Undo and Redo, Multiple Undo and Redo, Exact numeric input, Multiple units of measurement (even fractional) including feet and inches, .X, .Y, .Z filters on points, Easily object snap identifiable, snap to grid, planar and orthogonal modes, named construction planes, next and previous construction planes, orientation of a construction plane on a curve, layers, layer filters, groups, background bitmaps, ability to hide /show objects and to show selected objects, selection by level, color and type of object, selection of foreground objects, selection of last object and previous set of objects, possibility to swap hidden objects with visible ones and locked ones with free ones, unlocking of selected objects, possibility of activating and deactivating control points and modification points as well as deactivating points per object selected you.
Rhino for Mac takes advantage of OS X user interface conventions. Watch video…
Features include fast 3D graphics, unlimited views, shaded working views, working views, perspective working views, named views, floating windows, full screen view, stereo 3D viewing modes, draw order support, perspective colon, clipping planes and 1:1 scale to view models at full size.
In most design projects, presentation quality is very important.
Features included: Rhino Render, a raytrace renderer with textures, bump maps, light reflections, transparency, spotlight with spots, angle and direction control, point lights, directional lights, box lights, linear lights, shadows, and custom resolution, live render preview, live render preview of selected objects, rotate continuous view, export to file formats used by most common render engines, render plug-in support (), save settings to file.
Technical design
La progettazione di prodotti fisici fa uso dell’illustrazione tecnica e della messa in tavola 2D per comunicare in modo conciso idee, istruzioni e specifiche nelle fasi di progettazione, sviluppo e fabbricazione. Rhino è stato progettato con l’obiettivo di facilitare la creazione di disegni 2D e illustrazioni utilizzando i sistemi di notazione e gli stili visivi più adatti ad ogni contesto.
Annotation objects include: arrows, annotation dots, dimensions (horizontal, vertical, aligned, rotated, radial, diameter, angular), text blocks, guidelines, hidden line removal, Unicode (double-byte) support for texts , quotes and notes. Dimension support in perspective views.
Digital fabrication and 3D printing
As you know, the Rhino development project began nearly 20 years ago with the goal of providing ship designers with a set of computer modeling tools that they could use to operate digitally controlled manufacturing devices in shipyards.
We are always focused on the fact that a project is only useful when it is manufactured and lands in the hands of users. As the cost of digital fabrication and 3D printing technologies continues to fall, more and more designers now have access to 3D digital fabrication devices.
While we may not be experts in all of the manufacturing and construction processes that exist, we focus our efforts on making Rhino models accurate and accessible enough to make all of the processes involved in a project a reality.
Mesh Tools
Powerful mesh import/export, creation, and editing tools are critical for each phase of the design, including:
The transfer of 3D data acquired from digitizations and scans into Rhino as mesh models.
Mesh data exchange with many applications, such as SketchUp and Modo.
The export of meshes for analysis and rendering.
The export of meshes for prototyping and fabrication.
Converting NURBS to mesh for display and rendering.
The new mesh tools, along with existing mesh tools and support for double-precision meshes, enable the accurate representation and visualization of shapes such as the 3D relief of large cities.
3D Capture
La cattura di dati 3D esistenti spesso rappresenta una delle prime fasi di un progetto di design. Rhino ha sempre supportato direttamente sia gli hardware di digitalizzazione 3D che i dati delle nuvole di punti 3D scansionati. Rhino ora supporta:
Large point clouds. 3D scanners are getting faster and cheaper, so the size of the scan files is also gradually increasing. Rhino's 64-bit support and improved graphics coprocessor support make working with these large point clouds possible.
LIDAR technology captures 3D terrain data and has applications in the fields of agriculture, archaeology, conservation, geology, land surveying, transportation and distribution optimization of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and base stations . Rhino 7 for Windows offers powerful support for plug-ins, such as RhinoTerrain, that provide a specific set of tools for these new Rhino users.
3D digitizing support: MicroScribe, FaroArm and Romer/Cimcore.
Novità di Rhino …
Building a project requires high-quality 3D models at each stage of design, presentation, analysis, and manufacturing. Rhino 7 includes new tools and improvements to ensure the best possible quality of the 3D models used throughout the entire process.
Analysis: point, length, distance, angle, radius, bounding box, normal direction, area, centroid of an area, moments of an area, volume, centroid of a volume, moments of a volume, hydrostatics, curvature of a surface , geometric continuity, deviation, closest point, curvature plot for curves and surfaces, open edges, surface analysis (draft angle, zebra stripes, environment map with color blending, show edges, show open edges, Gaussian curvature, curvature average and minimum or maximum bending radius).
Extended projects
File management tools (for managing large projects and teams) include: notes, template templates, merge files, export selected objects, save small, save incrementally, preview bitmap files, preview Rhino files, export with source, workstations (Windows only), blocks, file compression for meshes and preview images, send files by E-mail.
Rhino is compatible with hundreds of different products for CAD, CAM, CAE, rendering and animation. In addition, the updated openNURBS libraries allow hundreds of other applications to read and write native Rhino 3DM files.
The world's most robust 3D development platform offering a wide variety of disciplines, numerous specific tools for modeling, rendering, analysis and manufacturing.
More accessible development tools: RhinoCommon, (.NET), Grasshopper, Rhino.Python, RhinoScript, Zoo license manager for plug-ins, and Rhino installation engine are key ingredients.
A detailed documentation
An active developer community
Open source – Additional Rhino development tools, including Rhino.Python, RhinoCommon, and 3DM Viewer on iOS.
Free tools for developers, including training and sales and technical support. All of our development tools are available to anyone with a valid Rhino license. No registration of any kind, no specific license agreement, or authorization is required.
Localization and Translation – services available.
Plug-ins: The Rhino SDK, which showcases most of Rhino's inner workings, allows third-party developers to create powerful plug-ins and add-ons. The I/O developer toolkit with source code is available on the openNURBS website. A programming I/O toolkit with source code is available on the openNURBS website.
Scripting: Support for RhinoScript VBScript and Rhino.Python exposes most of the inner workings of Rhino, enabling the development of powerful scripts.
Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor built into Rhino.
Unlike RhinoScript, Rhino.Python, or other programming languages, with Grasshopper, even with no programming or scripting knowledge, developers and designers will be able to develop shape-generating algorithms without having to write code.
Multi-document script editor.
Online help system.
Over 70 new features.
Documentation and examples.
Note: RhinoScript is widely used and supported on Windows, so we recommend software users and developers switch to Rhino.Python for both Windows and Mac. See below.
Rhino.Python is a powerful scripting language that works in both Rhino for Windows and Rhino for Mac. Rhino.Python is a flexible language with clear syntax.
If you want to try Rhino.Python, visit the Rhino.Python site.
Plug-in RhinoCommon .NET
RhinoCommon is the cross-platform .NET plug-in SDK for Rhino
Available for Rhino for Windows, Rhino for Mac, Rhino.Python and Grasshopper.
A true .NET-style SDK, well organized and easy to learn.
Improved documentation…
Plug-in wizard that creates cross-platform projects for added convenience.
Dozens of SDK-level enhancements and add-ons for building more powerful plug-ins.
Renderer Development Kit (RDK) now integrated into the SDK.
Renderer Development Kit
The RDK now includes many features for render module developers.
Support for various languages
Support for C++, RhinoCommon and RhinoScript.
Allows you to define custom material types that integrate fully into the Rhino material editor.
Let Rhino take care of the management, assignment and storage of materials, as well as the representation of views.
Built-in support for HDR, bitmap and procedural textures.
Automate the creation and assignment of materials.
Allows you to define custom environment types that integrate fully into the Rhino environment editor.
Let Rhino take care of the assignment and storage, as well as the representation of the views
It supports switching between multiple environments.
Automate the creation of environments and switching between multiple environments.
Allows you to define custom texture types that integrate fully into Rhino's material, environment, and texture editor.
Allows you to define procedural textures that can work on various renderers.
It allows you to use the built-in optimized procedural primitives to generate complex textures.
Procedural textures are rendered in the viewport using advanced texture preview.
Integrated render window
Full Rhino render window, with operators, post-process effects, multi-channel support, recall of recent renders, integrated zoom, support for HDR output and window duplication.
Support for asynchronous rendering in modeless version.
Lets you customize the render window with additional menus, buttons, and dockable containers.
Solar system
Lets you automate Rhino's new sun control.
Full access to sun position calculation tools for plug-ins.
Custom render meshes
Plug-in system for defining custom rendering meshes during rendering, usable by any rendering plug-in or exportable to mesh formats.
Integrated window preview.
Post-processing effects
Plug-in system for defining post-rendering effects on framebuffer, usable by any rendering plug-in.
Access to any color, alpha or distance channel after rendering the image.
Post-process effects work on rendered calls.
Many minor tools for renderers
Access to many of the UI controls, including the new Rhino color button, material dropdown controls, subnode controls, and curvature graph controls.
Table top automation.
Render mesh iterator with automatic support for custom render meshes.
Option for automatic generation of user interfaces for materials, environments and textures.
Access to Rhino decals.
Definition of output types for animations, render window, etc.
Customizing the view properties panel.
Customize Rhino UI to match the capabilities of your rendering plug-ins.
Rhino skins
You can fully integrate your plug-in into Rhino. Here's how to do it using C++ or RhinoCommon (.NET).
Licensing with Zoo for plug-ins
Zoo features:
Third-party plug-in support for Rhino.
Run as a service; it restarts automatically when the server is restarted.
Support of standard Internet protocols. Compatible with firewalls. Now works on WAN, Router and VPN networks.
Troubleshooting tools.
Checking the duration of license checkout.
Up-to-date installation and management information.
Details for third-party plug-in developers.
Rhino Installer Engine
Rhino Installer Engine makes it easy to deploy, install, and update plug-ins for Rhino. The Rhino Installer Engine is compatible with the McNeel Update System, a system that keeps Rhino related plug-ins up to date.
Il toolkit per sviluppatori di openNURBS supporta i file 3DM nativi di Rhino 8 (e versioni precedenti). Altre applicazioni CAD/CAM/CAE e grafiche 2D e 3D possono leggere e scrivere direttamente i file 3DM di Rhino. Questi strumenti di sviluppo sono gratuiti per tutti gli sviluppatori di software.
Translation and localization services
Our European headquarters offices provide a translation and localization service to third-party developers and anyone interested in translating their products into the following languages: German, Spanish, French or Italian.
System requirements and recommendations
Rhino runs on common Windows and Mac desktop and laptop computers. Learn more…
License management, sharing and distribution
Here are the benefits of Zoo Cloud License Manager:
For individual users, log in to Rhino Accounts to use Rhino. This way, Rhino can be used on any computer.
Zoo Cloud can simplify license management in an educational or corporate environment. Companies can create a group of licenses and share them with team members.
Ability to work online or offline. There is no need to check out licenses; in this way they are always available everywhere.
The licenses will work even without a continuous internet connection.
The license server infrastructure is hosted by a cloud service.
Zoo License Manager (Free) features include:
Hosted on a local internally managed Windows system.
Third-party plug-in support for Rhino.
Run as a service; it restarts automatically when the server is restarted.
Support of standard Internet protocols. Compatibility with firewalls. It works across WAN, Router and VPN networks, for easier sharing of licenses within workgroups and companies.
Checking the duration of license checkout.
Information about installation and administration.
The license validation system makes it easier to recover lost or stolen license keys.
Export and import into Rhino Options of most of the user's locale preferences, including advanced display mode settings.
Plug-in management
It's easy to disable plugins. This feature is important for users who are trying out new plug-ins or have a problem that they suspect is caused by a particular plug-in.
Automatic update of service releases
After the first release of each new major version, bug fix releases are made available by automatic download. The user will be asked whether to install them.
Note: Service releases do not install automatically. The installation is prompted to the user. The automatic download service can also be deactivated.
Oltre Rhino 8
Serengeti, named after the great African savannah, is where Rhino grows up.
We want to involve users at every stage of the Rhino development process. As with previous versions, we also encourage users to try, test and provide feedback on the next version of the program during the development phase.
But now there is something new. Users can now participate in development beyond the upcoming release.
Because much software development effort involves more than one release, the Serengeti project is designed to let users directly influence all future development of Rhino.