Smart3d KONG - Plugin Crypter
Kong Plugin Crypter allows you to protect and encrypt PythonScript (.py) and RhinoScript (.rvb)
Now you can protect your intellectual property and knowledge.
You will find 3 files:
KONG Crypt (the crypt engine)
Load a RhinoScript or PythonScript file
choose Rhino version (4.0 or 5.0)
when you press “CRYPT!” kong will create an .rx5 .rx4 .pyx encrypted file.
To run the encrypted plugin in rhino you need the KONG loader
choose a path where you want to put KONG loader (ex: C:myplugin)
choose a location where you want to put the encrypted file (it can be the same folder)
create a rhino button. This is the example of the command you can write in the button:
-_run “c: myplugin KongLoader c: myplugin MyCryptedFile.rx5
When you press the button, your plugin will run and your intellectual property will be protected
UTILIZE KongLoader64 if you are using 64-bit Rhino 5.0
PythonScript does not work on Rhino 4.0
Free plugin